About classes

Competitive programming training focused on problem-solving. We will use problems from Codeforces, CSES, Atcoder, USACO and Polish Olympiad, with my modifications and follow-ups. I provide a problem and you suggest solution ideas (including wrong ones!), then we discuss them together. There's homework and video recordings.

Dates: August 8-29
every Monday and Thursday

(6 meetings total)

Platform: Discord or Zoom/Vimeo

Group size: up to 12 students

Medium Group

aimed at CF max rating 1500-1800

16:00-17:30 CEST
(6 x 90 minutes)

Hard Group

aimed at CF max rating 1900-2200

18:00-20:00 CEST
(6 x 120 minutes)

After enrolling, you should choose the main group to attend. You're allowed in the other group lessons as long as you don't spoil the solutions.

Kamil Debowski

I'm a winner of many competitions, now a full-time algorithms teacher. I'm a coach of IOI and ICPC gold medalists. Check out my YT channel to see how I explain algorithms https://www.youtube.com/errichto

For questions, use Codeforces or email [email protected]

This course is closed for enrollment.